My story begins when I started reading the ingredients on the back of conventional store bought dressings. I couldn’t pronounce many of the ingredients which sounded like chemicals from a science project. One of the ingredients that shocked me most was titanium dioxide. After googling it, I discovered it was a whitening agent used in industrial paint. Why was this in our food???!!!! In an effort to eat healthier, I started making my own dressings. My friends and family absolutely loved my dressings and encouraged me to bottle them. During my journey to start my own business, I was confronted with a health scare. I then had to pivot and begin another journey to battle breast cancer. Now, eating healthy was more important than ever! After an 18-month long battle, I won, thank God, and continued to pursue my mission to make healthier options available to everyone. Despite the challenges, here I am today, with drench dressings & marinades selling in over 3000 stores and restaurants in 45 states including Sprouts, Whole Foods, Meijer, Wegmans, Fresh Thyme, The Fresh Market, Central Market & Thrive Market. I can't wait for you to try my dressings & marinades. You'll fall in love. XO, Karen